If you are thinking of the great platform to introduce your new business, the best place to start is from social media. This platform will not only help in making your business known, it will also help people to patronize and interact with your business. The social media is equipped with various tools that will help you to achieve this. It doesn’t matter the location of your new business, you can achieve your aim irrespective of this.
A lot of small business owners started their businesses on social media before deciding to choose a physical business location. The various social media platforms that you can use to achieve this includes; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Whatsapp and others.
How to Introduce your new business on social media
1. Have a Unique Business Name
For proper identification of your business on social media, a unique business name will be of great advantage. Before choosing any name, carry out a research and check whether the name that you want to choose for your business is common. Check on various social media platforms and also search engines to know if the name has been taken. Always choose a unique business name that will lead to just you.
2. Start with Your Personal profile
If you have an already existing profile on any social media, it could be a great way to start. Inform your friends and followers on social media about your new business by updating your profile with information regarding your new business. Add your business name in your workplace section and also include its description. Make posts and upload image of your products and services. You can equally indicate your location and prices there. You can also use your personal social media profile to encourage your audience to follow your business pages.
3. Create Pages or Groups Dedicated to your business
Creating social media pages or groups dedicated to your business is highly advantageous. It will help people to identify your business and also relate with it. For instance; Facebook business page has tools that will give you the opportunity to state your business name, mission and vision, products and services, hours open and close and other functionalities. People can equally share your posts or updates and equally recommend your business to others. Even when you want to run a paid or sponsored advertisement for your business, you can directly from your page by signing up for it. It is also facilitated with tools that will help you set your target group and preferred location and monitor the engagements with your ads.
4. Join other Groups or Pages with the Same Business Interest
Being active in pages or groups with similar business interest with yours will also help in your business visibility. Leave nice comments on such groups or pages. Check for their guidelines and know how to advertise your own business there. A page or group with large number of followers is recommended for this.
5. Create a captivating ad copy for marketing on social media
Running sponsored ads on social media will boost your brand visibility and engagements. People like to engage with ad copies or posts that are interesting, therefore, the message should be interpretable and also a call for action. It should be precise and short in the sense that its content should be interpreted at a glance. Even if you are creating a video advertisement, make use of less minutes to achieve a lot. If you want to make use of pictures, make sure it is visible or clear, well edited or cropped and also contains the right message. Your advert should be able to answer that will be in the mind of your intending customers.
6. Monitor the engagements on your advertisements
Make sure that every advertisement you run on social media have enough engagement. Also check whether you are reaching the right audience or not. Create more content and make it trend or go viral and also stay longer in the news feed. Good engagement will make people to also recommend your business or brand.
7. Always give a quick response to message or inquiries
One of the ways to motivate people to keep on engaging with your pages or groups is when you give a quick response their inquiries or messages. Don’t rely on the auto replies on some social media tools. Try to always leave a nice response.
8. Open a Shop on Marketplaces on Social Media
Some social media platforms like Facebook have marketplaces where you can open a Shop and display your products. Such marketplaces will not only help in giving you visibility but also attract customers and patronage to your business.
9. Make use of hashtags
Hashtags helps in sharing your post to a wider audience who may be interested in the product or services that you are offering. At every stage, finding trending and suitable hashtags that you can use to get people to visit your page.
10. Use your Social Media status or story to promote your business
If you don’t want to post your business information on your social media timelines, you can make use of your story or status to do this. People who clicks on your story or status will be able to see your business information or the product that you want to showcase. This will stay on your status or story for a period of 24 hours. Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and others are equipped with these tools.
11. Try to be consistent
A great way to make your brand live in the mind of your customers is when you are consistent in advertising and posting updates about your business. Select a schedule for posting about your new business on social media.
Take it gradually and steadily. Building a brand is not that easy, but through hard work and consistency, your new business will be among the top businesses tomorrow. If you have benefitted from our article on how to introduce your new business in social media, don’t forget to keep visiting for more updates.