Have you seen that product that you want to purchase in an online store and you want to place an order? Wait, at times, it may not be as attractive as it looks in real life. Most online merchants knows the various strategies to use in attracting customers to purchase their low quality products. At times, the fault in purchasing the undesirable product may not be from there end but due to the fact that you don’t have enough knowledge about the product that you want to purchase. Tips for buying the right products in an online store in Nigeria will guide when you want to order or purchase that product online.
As an online marketer, I can tell you that products are being displayed in online shopping stores according to their demand. The ones that are of high demand and with attractive looks are being displayed first. This is a great way to let you know that you will get the best from such online store. Insincere online vendors who may not have the original of such a trending product may “steal” original pictures of these products from other sources and use it to advertise their own low quality product.
Tips for Buying the Right Product in an Online Store in Nigeria
1. Check the price of the product in other online stores
There is need for you to cross check the price of the product that you want to purchase in other online stores. This will give you a clue on the type of product that you want to purchase. When the price is too low, check to know the difference between the products, when it is too high, check equally to know why. You can go as far as chatting with the sellers of such product to know the reason for the difference in price.
2. Analyze the material used in manufacturing such product
The prices of some products are influenced to an extent on the type of material used in its production. This will inturn determine its durability. Some online vendors if you are not careful may sell to you a low quality product with the same range in price of a high quality product. Confirm from the seller the actual material used in the manufacturing of such product and know whether it is actually what you want to purchase and equally check for the price of such quality of product.
3. Check for the Brand Identity
Some brands have more quality products than others. Knowing the details of the brand or manufacturer of the product that you want to purchase will help you in getting further information on the product that you want to purchase. Visit their website or business Pages to know whether they are the real manufacturers of what you are purchasing, check on their reviews and make your conclusion.
4. Demand a Live Video of Such Product
In some cases, online vendors like I said earlier, displays their products with misleading photos. Such photos may not belong to them but only use to it and entice the buyer. When there is no good refund policy in place for the product that you want to purchase online, it will not be a bad idea to demand a Live video of such product from the vendor.
5. Read the Vendors Reviews
Honest vendors will let you have a glimpse of their reviews from different buyers. This will give you an insight on how others rated the product that you want to purchase. Reviews can contain information that will help you to know their delivery efficiency and quality of the product that you want to purchase. You should not draw conclusion from this, also consider other strategies in detecting if the product is good because some online vendors can manipulate this.
6. Check for the Manufacturing/Expiry Date of Such Product
To be on a safe side, do not forget to ask for the expiry date of the product that you want to purchase online. Some producers takes advantage of this knowing fully well that you may not come in contact with such product until it is delivered to you. You may not equally have the time to cross check this. It is very necessary to check for the manufacturing/expiry date of consumable products and other products that have short shelf life.
7. Specify the color of the product that you want
When you need a particular color of product, don’t always assume that the color of the product that you ordered online will be the one that will be delivered to you. Let the vendor know the exact color that you want so as not to be disappointed when it is finally delivered to you.
8. Check for the size/quantity of the product
Most products are measured in various sizes. Some parameters such as length, yards, litres, meters maybe used. For instance, if you want to purchase a cloth online, it is required that you know the exact measurement of the cloth that you want to purchase so as to be sure that it is your size.
9. Ask to know whether the product is locally made or imported
In Nigeria today, some people will let you know that they prefer imported goods to locally made goods. They believers of such notion thinks that imported goods are of high quality than locally made goods. Also, some products from certain countries are held in a higher standard. If you believe in such notion, ask your vendors to give you such information so as not to feel dissatisfied when you get such products.
10. Check if the product is covered by warranty
When a product is covered by warranty, then, returning it to the seller if it develops a fault or if it is defective within a specified period of time is necessary. The manufacturer will specify the terms involved in such refund. Ask your seller whether he or she will adhere to such rule.
Before ordering for a product online, carry out a proper market research of the product offline and online. Not every online vendor will be able to accept his or her delivered product back. Tips for buying the right product online will guide you when to order and make that purchase.
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